Tom Petty’s American Girl follows a mother and daughter as they fight for the safety of their relationship against the charms of a troupe of golden boys.
Generated and performed by Emily Blanquera, Hallie Riddick, Maddie-Dennis Yates, Josette Axne, and Gianina Rivera.
Original music by Hallie Riddick
National Theater Institute, (Waterford, CT), 2019
Works directed by Hallie Riddick as an Advanced Director at the National Theater Institute, (Waterford, CT), 2019.
The following are:
Eurydice by Sarah Ruhl; Love and Information, Caryl Churchill (Co-directed by Henery Wyand); Three Sisters by Anton Chekhov; Mother by Annika Perez-Krikorian; Love and Information, Caryl Churchill (Co-directed by Henery Wyand); Fefu and Her Friends by María Irene Fornés; Love and Information, Caryl Churchill (Co-directed by Henery Wyand); Coon by Henery Wyand
As senior at Sarah Lawrence College, Hallie served as the director of a long- running student organization, Women’s Naked Shakespeare. Women’s Naked is a group for women, femmes, and non-binary folks to come together and re-envision the works of Shakespeare with a focus on language rather than production (bare costumes, sets, lighting— ie “Naked”). Hallie led workshops, group activities, and created a space for sharing and creation between herself and 10 other members. In addition to leading events throughout the year, Hallie directed the group’s final production of Twelfth Night.
Inspired by the play’s nautical nature and distinct class divisions, Hallie set the production in a small Nova Scotian Fishing town. The ensemble explored the world of southern Nova Scotia and the dynamics between local fishermen and wealthy vacationers. Through sewing homemade beards, watching tutorials on lobster fishing, and a trip to the Hudson in big waders, Women’s Naked generated a detailed world for one of Shakespeare’s most popular works!
*The performance of Twelfth Night was, unfortunately, cancelled due to the COVID-19 outbreak. These photos are from a promo shoot done on the Hudson River.
Photography by Shea Baumgarner
Featuring: Allegra Dubus-Brandolini, Shea Sprague, Claire Bronchick, Kasey Britt, Claire Marieb, Annabel Cantor, Lydia Sims, Maria Schreiner, Kate Kenworthy, Sophia Harber
Healing and Love in a Garden of Stone by Kenny Hahn follows Medusa as she confronts her disconnection from her body and her sexuality. A wandering “lover” stumbles into her lair and questions Medusa’s defensive behavior. They finally suggest that she reconnect with herself before she takes the next step with someone else.
Directed by Hallie Riddick
Choreography by Caroline Burkhart
Cast: Nina Roy, Ayanna Harrison, Addie Guidry, Kasey Britt, Mark Ashin,
Not a Pipeline Problem, a new play festival, The Tank, (New York, NY), 2019
Hallie as Posthumous in Women’s Naked Shakespeare’s 2018 production of Cymbeline. Cymbeline was an ensemble-driven piece inspired by the extremes of toxic masculinity and the possibilities of gender fluidity.
Cymbeline By William Shakespeare
Directed by Kenny Hahn
Cast: Zia Lawrence, Hallie Riddick, Gillian Hansen-Kaufman, Tam Nguyen, Tessa Debole, Katy Greskovich, Georgie Cohen, Kasey Britt, Laura Hirsch, MaryKathryn Kopp, Lulu Guzman, and Nora Daly
Sarah Lawrence College, (Bronxville, NY), 2018
Flush is an original play with music that centers on the lives of four girls who escape to the woods to rid themselves of grief through spells and prayer. Flush gives the performers and the audience the opportunity to come together and face the horrors of girlhood. Through attempted magic, ritual, and spiritual practice, the girls of the water stream strive to conjure agency. In their alcove of the grossest and darkest place of the woods, they harness the power of their environment and, specifically, the water, to fight for their liberation. The use of violence does not free them from their grief or their traumatic ties to men, but in their struggle we see the possibility of release. Song and ritual are their resistance and with that, Flush is attempting to heal.
Production History:
Sarah Lawrence College, (Bronxville, NY), fall 2020
Directed by Amanda Card
Music direction by Meaghan Bonds
Sound Engineering by SD
Cast: Saffron Quinn, Audrey Stathakis, Allegra Dubus-Brandolini, Annie Porter
Sarah Lawrence College, (Bronxville, NY), spring 2020 (staged reading)
Directed by Hallie Riddick
Music direction by SD and Meaghan Bonds
Cast: Tyandria Jabber, Rachel Mikita, Maddie Aldecoa, Maria Schreiner
National Theater Institute, (Waterford, CT), fall 2019 (Reading)
Directed by Emily Blanquera
Music direction by John-Alex Warner
Cast: Emmalee Allen, Cherokee Rose, Megan Hammerer, Josette Axne
Directed by Emily Blanquera
Music direction by John-Alex Warner
Cast: Emmalee Allen, Cherokee Rose, Megan Hammerer, Josette Axne
National Theater Institute, (Waterford, CT), 2019
Hallie as Lucius (business man) in In the Woods Where the Men Work
“An experimental play written by Sarah Finn featuring large scale puppetry, animation, and highly physical theatre, In the woods where the men work is an exploration of corporate power in the face of environmental destruction. Set in the last remaining forest on Earth, a group of businessmen from the Ministry of Environment are put on trial for their unforgivable crimes. Sistine, who rules the forest with her pet ox, leads the men’s trial. They deny their culpability, but one off them, Philip, seems to be unlike the rest. Is he capable of turning against the agency? Will he revolt against the values that have assured him his power? Can he save the world from its end?”
Written and Directed by Sarah Finn
Cast: Zixin Liu, Ethan Graham-Horowitz, Hallie Riddick, Rachel Mikita, Max Howard, Zhe Pan, Georgia Cohen, Jackson Tucker-Meyer, Kenny Hahn
Garner Arts Fest (Garnerville, NY), 2018
Hallie as Cowboy in Shoot, Don’t Talk, 2018.
Inspired by the film, The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly, Andrew Murdock and team of co-creators generated a piece that took on the world of western filmmakers. Using live feed, miniatures, puppetry, text and movement, Shoot, Don’t Talk diligently explored the world of spaghetti westerns and the process of filmmaking.
Directed by Andrew Murdock
Cast: Brennan Jones, Kimmy Gould, Hallie Riddick, Callum Bayle-Spence, Juno Better, Catherine Eng, and Max Howard
Sarah Lawrence College, 2018
Hallie as Griselda and Win in Top Girls, 2019.
Top Girls by Caryl Churchill
Directed by Claire Marieb
Cast: Kasey Britt, Gill Hartley, Hallie Riddick, Kate Kentworthy, Kaia Parnell, Gabriella Pizzo, Clarissa Campo, Jade Barnett-Irons
Sarah Lawrence College, (Bronxville, NY), 2019
Hallie as Penelope in I will be Gone
I Will Be Gone by Erin Courtney
Directed by Meghan Kelleher
Cast: Grace Gilmore, Sean Devare, India Stachyra, Hallie Riddick, Sage McKay, Claire Marieb, Thomas Speta, and Kileen McLeary
Sarah Lawrence College, (Bronxville, NY), 2017
Hallie as Jenny in Company, 2017.
Company by George Furth and Stephen Sondheim
Directed by Caroline Burkhart and Bren Thomas
Cast: Graham Garlington, Janet Webster, Marshall Pangilinan, Olivia Bernabe, Joe Weinberg, Hallie Riddick, Griffin Shute, Katy Greskovich, Maura Hrynczyszyn, Henry Glejzer, Kileen McLeary
Musical Theater Collective, Sarah Lawrence College, 2017